Course curriculum

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    Welcome to Life changing 200 Online course

    • Welcome message by Guru Vishnu, Founder of World Peace Yoga School

    • Let's Start the course with the blessings of our Master Swami Rama

    • What you are going to learn in this course

    • Study Materials, Books, and Manuals

    • 200-Hours Yoga Teacher Training Manual

    • Kundalini Tantra Book


    • Book-Daily Life of a Yogi by Yogi Vishnu

    • Patanjali Yoga Sutra- Philosophy Book

    • Asana Pranayama Bandha Mudra Book

    • Kundalini Tantra Book

    • Meditation Book/Manual

    • Yoga Anatomy Book

    • Yoga Nidra Book

    • Mantra- Book, by Yogi Vishnu

    • Himalayan Tradition

    • Assignment

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    How to Prepare yourself for this course?

    • It is a yoga festival in your home !!!

    • How to follow and Learn from class Videos

    • Assignments during the study

    • Yoga alliance Registration and Accreditation

    • How will be your final Exam

    • Certification

    • Opportunities after doing the TTC with us

    • Benefits of doing 200 YTTC with World Peace Yoga School

    • What advance courses you will be eligible to attend

    • Assignment

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    Life Style that you follow during the course !!!

    • Following positive attitude

    • Transform your negative emotion

    • Daily Routine that you should follow

    • Assignment

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    Kundalini Theory

    • 1 Intoduction to Kundalini Tantra

    • 2 How to awaken Kundalini

    • 3 Seat of Kundalini

    • 4 Eligiblity for Kundalini Practice

    • 5 Journey to Cosmic World

    • 6 What is Nadis

    • 7 Awaken susumna Nadi

    • 8 How many Chakras are there

    • 9 Why Kundalini called Sarpent power

    • 10 Changes you experience in Kundalini

    • 11 Brain works in Kundalini Yoga

    • 12 Diet in Kundalini.

    • 13 Hearbs for Kundalini.

    • 14 Home of Kundalini.

    • 15 Method of awaken Kundalini

    • 16 Partial awakening of Kundalini.

    • 17 Pranayama Bandha Mudra for Kundalini

    • 18 Raja yoga for Kundalini

    • 19 Tantrik Initiation

    • 20 Tapas for Kundalini

    • 21 Unlocking our onconscious mind

    • 22 Use mantra to awake Kundalini

    • 23 Does Kundalini yoga Dangerous

    • 24 Craziness in Kundalini

    • 25 How awaken Kundalini

    • 26 Expand Consciousness

    • 27 Experience of Kundalini

    • 28 Tantra _ Kundalini awakening

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    Kundalini Practice

    • Kundalini 1

    • Kundalini 2

    • Kundalini 3

    • Kundalini 4

    • Kundalini 5

    • Kundalini 6

    • Kundalini 7

    • Kundalini 8

    • Kundalini 9

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    Hatha Yoga

    • 1 Pawanmuktasana A-1

    • 2 Pawanmuktasana B-1

    • 3 Pawanmuktasana C,-1

    • 4 Kneeling Postures Hatha Yoga-1

    • 5 Standing Posture Hatha Yoga-1

    • 6 Parsvottanasana-1

    • 7 Standing Joint Movement -1

    • 8 Balancing Postures-1

    • 9 Sunsalutation-1

    • 10 Adjustment-1

    • 11 Inversion-1

    • 12 Fire Series-1

    • 13 Hip Opening Postures -1

    • 14 Sited Forward Band-1

    • 15 Sited Twisting Postures-1

    • 16 Sequence

    • Asana Assignment

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    Alignment & Adjustment

    • 01 Alignment Adjustment-1

    • 02 Alignment Adjustment-2

    • 03 Alignment Adjustment

    • 04 Alignment Adjustment

    • 05 Alignment Adjustment

    • 06 Alignment Adjustment

    • 07 Alignment Adjustment

    • 08 Alignment Adjustment

    • 9 Sunsalutation-1

    • 10 Adjustment-1

    • 11 Inversion-1

    • 12 Alignment Adjustment

    • Assignment

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    • Pain Makes all a philosopher

    • What is Philosopy and its importance.

    • Science of Karma

    • Purpose of Human Life

    • Founder of Yoga

    • Yoga is not religion but Life Style

    • Yoga Philosopphy is the philosophy of lIfe

    • Eight limbs of yoga- Sanosha and Tapas

    • Religion-Belief-ignorance and Yoga

    • Yoga is the control of operation of mind

    • Philosophy is the search of Truth

    • Philosophy Lesson 12

    • Philosophy Lesson 13

    • Philosophy Lesson 14

    • Assignment

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    Anatomy/Yoga Therapy

    • Anatomy/Yoga Therapy 1

    • Anatomy/Yoga Therapy 2

    • Anatomy/Yoga Therapy 4

    • Anatomy/Yoga Therapy 5

    • Anatomy/Yoga Therapy 6

    • Anatomy/Yoga Therapy 7

    • Anatomy/Yoga Therapy 8

    • Anatomy/Yoga Therapy 9

    • Anatomy/Yoga Therapy 10

    • Anatomy/Yoga Therapy 11

    • Anatomy/Yoga Therapy 12

    • Anatomy/Yoga Therapy 13

    • Anatomy/Yoga Therapy 14

    • Anatomy/Yoga Therapy 15

    • Anatomy/Yoga Therapy 16

    • Anatomy/Yoga Therapy 17

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    Prana Kriya

    • Welcome to Pranayama

    • Introducing Pranayama

    • Aspects of Breathing

    • Levels of Prana

    • books and scriptures of Pranayama

    • General understanding of pranayama

    • How to activate nostrils

    • Secretes of Pranayama

    • purpose of Pranayama

    • Breath and 5 Elements

    • Units of Prana

    • Functions of Prana

    • Three Gunas

    • How Prana Flow

    • Quality of Breath

    • Imbalance of Prana

    • Retention of Breath

    • Sukhasana- posture to practice

    • Swastikasana - posture for pranayama

    • Vajrasana- posture for pranayama

    • Siddhasana- Posture for Pranayama

    • Padmasana- Lotus pose to Breath

    • Maitri Asana for pranayama

    • Breathing Pattern

    • Clavicular Breathing

    • Thorasic or Chest Breathing

    • Diphragmatic Breathing

    • Yogic Breathing

    • Pranava Pranayama

    • Nadi Sodhanam Pranayama

    • Bhastrika Pranayama

    • kapal Bhati Pranayama

    • Panchakosha-Pranayama

    • Pranayama philosophy

    • Pranayama Assignment

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    Mantra Chanting

    • 1 What is Mantra

    • 2 Shanti Mantra

    • 3 Asato ma sad gamaya

    • 4 Mritunjaya mantra

    • 5 Panchakshar mantra

    • 7 om namah bhagavate vasudevay

    • 8 om namah shivay

    • Mantra Assgnment

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    • Introduction to Meditation

    • History of meditation

    • What is Meditation

    • Scriptures meditation

    • Meditation manual

    • Meditation manual

    • Important things in Meditation to know

    • Preparation to meditation

    • How to sit in meditation

    • Asana for Meditation

    • Body Position

    • Difference between human and animal

    • Swastika asana- perfect meditation pose for all

    • How to practice Vajrasana to meditate

    • Siddhasa- meditation pose for kundalini awakening

    • Padmasana- Lotus for Advance students

    • Matri Asana for Elderly and weak body

    • Diaphragmatic breathing for enhancing meditation

    • Basic Meditation Exercise

    • Diaphragmatic Breathing

    • Full Body Relaxation

    • Meditation Assignment

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    Bandhas (Energy lock)

    • Bandha

    • How Bandhas Works

    • Understanding of Bandhas

    • How to Practice Mula Bandha

    • Mula Bandha

    • Uddiyana Bandha

    • Agnisara Kriya

    • Proper Uddiyana Bandha

    • Jalandhara Bandha

    • 49 Maha bandha

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    • Namaste Mudra

    • Gyan & Chin Mudra

    • Channelize Mudra Energy

    • Dandavat Pranam

    • Mudra

    • Yoni Mudra

    • 57 Hridaya Mudra

    • Sambhavi Mudra

    • 56 Bhairava Mudra

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    Free Yoga Nidra Course

    • Introduction to Yoga Nidra

    • Sleep conscious, and clearn your unconscious through Yoga Nidra

    • Benifits of practicing Yoga Nidra

    • Preparation to Yoga Nidra

    • Yoganidra can heal your Karma from past life

    • Yoga Nidra-A connection to Divine Energy

    • Know your past life in Yoga Nidra

    • Extra sensory experiences and Meeting Light and sanges in Yoga Nidra

    • Yoga Nidra-Roatation of Consciousness

    • Steps and techniques of Yoga Nidra

    • Inner flame Yoga Nidra Practice

    • Inner Silence Yoga Nidra Practice

    • Golden egg Yoga Nidra Practive

    • Advance Yoga Nidra Practice

    • Assignment

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    Free Traditional Tantra Course

    • Tantra 1

    • Tantra 2

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    Free Dance Exercise

    • Dance Exercise

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    • Task 1 - Kundalini

    • Task 2 - Hatha

    • Certificate Name