What will you receive?
200 Hour online yoga teacher training
200-RYT certification course accredited by Yoga Alliance
You can register in Yoga Alliance after the completion of this course
In-depth understanding of Hatha, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yoga Anatomy, Alignment & Teaching Methodology, Pranayama, Meditation & Philosophy
Course Level - Beginner to Intermediate
Course Duration: 1 Year - You can complete this course anytime before 1 year
Compatible with all kinds of devices
Course Manual, Books and study materials are included in the course fee
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the online yoga teacher training course as effective as the in-person course?
This course is designed by some of the best and experienced yoga teachers of various schools in India. The course syllabus, certification, and everything else remains same as the in-person course. So this 200- hour onlne yoga teacher training course is as effective as the in-person course.
Can I register in Yoga Alliance after the completion of this course?
Yes, you can register as a Yoga teacher in Yoga Alliance after successfully completing this course.
Do I need to pay any extra fees after purchasing the course?
No, there is no extra fee involved after the purchase. You need to pay only the fee that is shown on the website.
Do I need to buy any books?
No, All the books and study materials required for the course will be included in the course.
Does the course include live classes?
No, the course does not include live classes. All the lessons will be provided in the provided through pre-recorded videos
I am beginner to yoga. Can I join this online yoga teacher training course?
Yes, this course is specially designed for beginner to intermediate level students. You can easily follow this course if you are new to yoga.
Is the certification valid all over world?
Yes, this course is certified by Yoga Alliance which is valid all over the world.
What are the supported payment methods?
The supported payment methods are PayPal, Credit card and Stripe
Course curriculum
Free Live Classes
Free Class Schedule and join Link
Welcome to Life changing 200 Online course
Welcome message by Guru Vishnu
Let's Start the course with the blessings of our Master Swami Rama
What you are going to learn in this course
Manual & Reading Materials
200-Hours Yoga Teacher Training Manual
Teaching Methodology/ Alignment-Adjustment Manual
Ashtanga Manual
Ashtanga Asnana Manual - I
Book-Daily Life of a Yogi by Yogi Vishnu
Patanjali Yoga Sutra- Philosophy Book
Meditation Book/Manual
Yoga Anatomy Book
Yoga Nidra Book
Mantra- Book, by Yogi Vishnu
Ayurveda Mannual
How to Prepare yourself for this course?
It is a yoga festival in your home !!!
How to follow and Learn from class Videos
Assignments during the study
Yoga alliance Registration and Accreditation
How will be your final Exam
Opportunities after doing the TTC with us
Benefits of doing 200 YTTC with World Peace Yoga School
What advance courses you will be eligible to attend
Life style that you follow during the course !!!
Following positive attitude
Transform your negative emotion
Daily Routine that you should follow
Hatha Yoga
1 Pawanmuktasana A-1
2 Pawanmuktasana B-1
3 Pawanmuktasana C-1
4 Kneeling Postures Hatha Yoga-1
5 Standing Posture Hatha Yoga-1
6 Parsvottanasana-1
7 Standing Joint Movement -1
8 Balancing Postures-1
9 Sunsalutation-1
10 Adjustment-1
11 Inversion-1
12 Fire Series-1
13 Hip Opening Postures -1
14 Sited Forward Band-1
15 Sited Twisting Postures-1
16 Sequence
Asana Assignment
Ashtanga Vinyasa
Ashtanga Introduction
Sun Salutation A & B
3-Start of Standing Sequence
4-Utthita Parsvakonasana, Prasarita Padottanasana A, B, C and D
5-Parsvakonasana, Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
6-Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana, Uttkasana, Virabadrasana A and B
7-Complete Standing Sequence
8-Start of seating seq. Paschimottanasana A, B and C
9-Purvottanasana, Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana
10-Triang Mukha Eka Pada Paschimotanasana, Janu Sirsasana
11-Marichyasana A, B, C, D
12-Asthanga Sequence Flow
13-Navasana, Bhujapidasana
14-Kurmasana, Supta Kurmasana
15-Garbha Pindasana, Kukkutasana, BaddhaKonasana A, B, C
16-Upavistha Konasana A, B, Supta Konasana
17-Supta Padangusthasana
18-Urdhaa Padangusthasana, Urdha Mukha Paschimotanasana
19-Complete seating seq. Setu Bandhasana
20-Start of finishing seq. Urdva Danurasana, Paschimotanasana.
21-Vinyasa for Sarvangasana, Halasana, Karnapidasana, Urdva Padmasana, Pindasana, Matsyasana, Uttana Padasana
22-Complete finishing seq. Sirsasana, Baddha Padmasana, Yoga Mudra, Padmasana, Utpluthih, Savasana
23-Asthanga Complete Primary Series Flow
01 Anatomy and Physiology
02 Skeletal System
03 Types of skeletal system
04 Major bones of the human skeleton
05 Types of Joints
06 Types of Joints Part 2
07 Body plane
08 Movement terminology
09 Position of Skeletal Structures and Asana
10 Position of Skeletal Structures and Asana Part 2
11 Mascular System
12 Mascular system and types of muscle
13 Skeletal muscles
14 Functions of Skeletal muscles
15 Characteristics of skeletal muscles
16 Characteristics of skeletal muscles Part 2
17 Major skeletal muscles
18 Major skeletal muscles Part 2
19 Major skeletal muscles Part 3
20 Major skeletal muscles Part 4
21 Anatomy of Asana
22 Anatomy of Asana Part 2
23 Anatomy of Asana Part 3
24 Anatomy Of Asana Part 4-1
25 Respiratory system
26 Respiratory system Part 2
27 Cardiovascular System
28 Blood Vessels
29 Digestive System
30 Digestive System part 2
Introduction to Meditation
History of meditation
What is Meditation
Scriptures meditation
Meditation manual
Secrets of Meditation
Important things in Meditation to know
Preparation to meditation
How to sit in meditation
Asana for Meditation
Body Position
Difference between human and animal
Swastika asana- perfect meditation pose for all
How to practice Vajrasana to meditate
Siddhasa- meditation pose for kundalini awakening
Padmasana- Lotus for Advance students
Matri Asana for Elderly and weak body
Diaphragmatic breathing for enhancing meditation
Basic Meditation Exercise
Diaphragmatic Breathing
Full Body Relaxation
Meditation Assignment
Pain Makes all a philosopher
What is Philosopy and its importance.
Science of Karma
Purpose of Human Life
Founder of Yoga
Yoga is not religion but Life Style
Yoga Philosopphy is the philosophy of lIfe
Eight limbs of yoga- Sanosha and Tapas
Religion-Belief-ignorance and Yoga
Yoga is the control of operation of mind
Philosophy is the search of Truth
Philosophy Lesson 12
Philosophy Lesson 13
Philosophy Lesson 14
Pranayama Practices
Welcome to Pranayama
Introducing Pranayama
Aspects of Breathing
Levels of Prana
books and scriptures of Pranayama
General understanding of pranayama
How to activate nostrils
Secrets of Pranayama
purpose of Pranayama
Breath and 5 Elements
Units of Prana
Functions of Prana
Three Gunas
How Prana Flow
Quality of Breath
Imbalance of Prana
Retention of Breath
Sukhasana- posture to practice
Swastikasana - posture for pranayama
Vajrasana- posture for pranayama
Siddhasana- Posture for Pranayama
Padmasana- Lotus pose to Breath
Maitri Asana for pranayama
Breathing Pattern
Clavicular Breathing
Thorasic or Chest Breathing
Diphragmatic Breathing
Yogic Breathing
Pranava Pranayama
Nadi Sodhanam Pranayama
Bhastrika Pranayama
kapal Bhati Pranayama
Pranayama philosophy
Pranayama Assignment
Mantra Chanting
1 What is Mantra
2 Shanti Mantra
3 Asato ma sad gamaya
4 Mritunjaya mantra
Mantra Assignment
Bandhas (Energy lock)
How Bandhas Works
Understanding of Bandhas
How to Practice Mula Bandha
Mula Bandha
Uddiyana Bandha
Agnisara Kriya
Proper Uddiyana Bandha
Jalandhara Bandha
49 Maha bandha
Namaste Mudra
Dandavat Pranam
Channelize Mudra Energy
Gyan & Chin Mudra
Yoni Mudra
Hridaya Mudra
Bhairava Mudra
Sambhavi Mudra
01 Ayurveda Meaning
02 Four Vedas
03 Panch Karma - Part 1
04 Panch Karma - Part 2
05 Ayurveda Therapies
06 Mouth Disease Therapies
07 Ayurvedic Treatment
08 Aushadh/Medicine/Herbs
09 Ayurveda guide on Sexual activities
10 Marma (Death) Therapy - Part 1
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra Book
Introduction to Yoga Nidra
Sleep conscious, and clearn your unconscious through Yoga Nidra
Benefits of practicing Yoga Nidra
Preparation to Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra can heal your Karma from past life
Yoga Nidra-A connection to Divine Energy
Dance Exercise
Dance Exercise
Task - 1
Closing Ceremony/Exam
Take Our Survey
Certificate Name

Master of Yoga
Vishnu Panigraghi

Hatha/Ashtanga/Alignment Instructor
Rajeev Nautiyal

Anatomy & Philosophy Instructor
Yogi Surender

Hatha/Ashtanga/Alignment Instructor
Ashutosh Mishra
Get in touch
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