What will you receive?

300 Hour online yoga teacher training

  • 300-RYT certification course accredited by Yoga Alliance

  • You can register in Yoga Alliance after the completion of this course

  • In-depth understanding of Kundalini, Hatha, Teaching Methodology, Yoga Anatomy, Pranayama, Meditation & Philosophy

  • Course Level - Intermediate to Advanced

  • Course Duration: 1 year - You can complete this course anytime before 1 year

  • Compatible with all kinds of devices

  • Course Manual, Books and study materials are included in the course fee

  • 10% discount on in-person courses valid for one year

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Free Live Classes

    • Free Class Schedule and join Link

  • 2

    Welcome to Life changing 300 Online course

    • Welcome message by Guru Vishnu, Founder of World Peace Yoga School

    • Let's Start the course with the blessings of our Master Swami Rama

    • What you are going to learn in this course

    • Study Materials, Books, and Manuals

    • 300 Hour Manual - VYA

    • Kundalini Tantra Book


    • Book-Daily Life of a Yogi by Yogi Vishnu

    • Patanjali Yoga Sutra- Philosophy Book

    • Meditation Book/Manual


    • Yoga Anatomy Book

    • Yoga Nidra Book

    • Mantra- Book, by Yogi Vishnu

    • HimalayanTradition

    • Ayurveda Mannual

    • Assignment

  • 3

    How to Prepare yourself for this course?

    • It is a yoga festival in your home !!!

    • How to follow and Learn from class Videos

    • Assignments during the study

    • Yoga alliance Registration and Accreditation

    • How will be your final Exam

    • Certification

    • Opportunities after doing the TTC with us

    • Assignment

  • 4

    Life Style that you follow during the course !!!

    • Following positive attitude

    • Transform your negative emotion

    • Daily Routine that you should follow

    • Assignment

  • 5

    Kundalini Theory

    • 1 Intoduction to Kundalini Tatra

    • 2 How to awaken Kundalini

    • 3 Seat of Kundalini

    • 4 Eligiblity for Kundalini Practice

    • 5 Journey to Cosmic World

    • 6 What is Nadis

    • 07 Awaken susumna Nadi

    • 08 How many Chakras are there

    • 09 Why Kundalini called Sarpent power

    • 10 Changes you experience in Kundalini

    • 11 Brain works in Kundalini Yoga

    • 12 Diet in Kundalini

    • 13 Hearbs for Kundalini

    • 14 Home of Kundalini.

    • 15 Method of awaken Kundalini

    • 16 Partial awakening of Kundalini.

    • 17 Pranayama Bandha Mudra for Kundalini

    • 18 Raja yoga for Kundalini

    • 18 Raja yoga for Kundalini

    • 20 Tapas for Kundalini

    • 21 Unlocking our onconscious mind

    • 22 Use mantra to awake Kundalini

    • 23 Does Kundalini yoga Dangerous

    • 24 Craziness in Kundalini

    • 25 How awaken Kundalini

    • 26 Expand Consciousness

    • 27 Experience of Kundalini

    • 28 Tantra _ Kundalini awakening

    • Assignment

  • 6

    Kundalini Practice

    • Kundalini 1

    • Kundalini 2

    • Kundalini 3

    • Kundalini 4

    • Kundalini 5

    • Kundalini 6

    • Kundalini 7

    • Kundalini 8

    • Kundalini 9

    • Kundalini 10

    • Kundalini 11

    • Kundalini 12

    • Kundalini 13

    • Kundalini 14

    • Kundalini 15

    • Kundalini 16

    • Kundalini 17

    • Kundalini 18

  • 7

    Advanced Hatha Yoga

    • 01 Definition of Hatha Yoga

    • 02 Introduction of Hatha Yoga

    • 03 Importance of Hatha Yoga

    • 04 Body Awareness

    • 05 Pavanamuktasana/Wind-Relieving Pose

    • 06 Pavanamuktasana/Wind-Relieving Pose - II

    • 07 Pavanamuktasan B

    • 08 Pavanamuktasan B part 2

    • 09 Pavanamuktasan C

    • 10 Pavanamuktasan C - II

    • 11 Warm up Series

    • 12 Yogic joging exercise

    • 13 Shoulder & Yogic food warm up

    • 14 Sun-salutation

    • 15 Practice of Sun-salutation

    • 16 Moon-salutation

    • 17 Practice of Moon-salutation

    • 18 Practice of Moon-salutation Variation 2

    • 19 Posterior body exercises

    • 20 Posterior body exercises Part 2

    • 21 Earth Element

    • 22 Earth Element Continue

    • 23 Water Element

    • 24 Water Element Part 2

    • 25 Fire Element

    • 26 Fire Element Part 2

    • 27 Air Element

    • 28 Air Element Part 2

    • 29 Space Element

    • 30 Space Element Part 2

    • 31 Hip Opening Series

    • 32 Hip Opening Series 2

    • 33 Hip Opening Series 3

    • 34 Leg Stretching Series

    • 35 Leg Stretching Series 2

    • 36 Leg Stretching Series 3

    • 37 Leg Stretching Series 4

    • 38 Back Bending Series

    • 39 Back Bending Series 2

    • 40 Back Bending Series 3

    • 41 Forward Bending Series

    • 42 Forward Bending Series 2

    • 43 Forward Bending Series 3

    • 44 Shoulder Opening

    • 45 Shoulder Opening Part 2

    • 46 Core Strengthening Series

    • 47 Core Strengthening Series 2

    • 48 Core Strengthening Series 3

  • 8


    • 1 Pranayama

    • Pranayama 2nd

    • Pranayama 3rd

    • Pranayama 4th

    • Pranayama 5th

    • Pranayama 6th

    • Panayama 7th

    • Pranayama 8th

    • Pranayama 9th

    • Pranayama 10th

  • 9


    • Philosophy 1

    • Philosophy 2

    • Philosophy 3

    • Philosophy 4 Kriya yoga

    • Philosophy 5 Kriya Yoga Continue

    • Philosophy 6

    • Philosophy 7

    • Philosophy 10

    • Philosophy 8

    • Philosophy 9

    • Philosophy 11

    • Philosophy 12

  • 10

    Bandhas (Energy lock)

    • Bandha

    • How Bandhas Works

    • Understanding of Bandhas

    • How to Practice Mula Bandha

    • Mula Bandha

    • Uddiyana Bandha

    • Agnisara Kriya

    • Proper Uddiyana Bandha

    • Jalandhara Bandha

    • 49 Maha bandha

    • Assignment

  • 11


    • Mudra

    • Namaste Mudra

    • Dandavat Pranam

    • Channelize Mudra Energy

    • Gyan & Chin Mudra

    • Yoni Mudra

    • Bhairava Mudra

    • Hridaya Mudra

    • Sambhavi Mudra

    • Assignment

  • 12


    • Class-1

    • Class-2

    • Class-3

    • Class-4

    • Class-5

    • Class-6

    • Class-7

    • Class-8

    • Class-9

    • Class-10

    • Class-11

    • Class-12

    • Class-13

    • Class-14

    • Class-15

  • 13

    Mantra Chanting

    • 1 What is Mantra

    • 2 Shanti Mantra

    • 3 Asato ma sad gamaya

    • 4 Mritunjaya mantra

    • 5 Panchakshar mantra

    • 6 Ganesh Gayatri

    • 7 om namah bhagavate vasudevay

    • 8 om namah shivay

    • Mantra Assgnment

  • 14


    • Introduction to Meditation

    • History of meditation

    • What is Meditation

    • Scriptures meditation

    • Meditation manual

    • Secrets of Meditation

    • Important things in Meditation to know

    • Preparation to meditation

    • How to sit in meditation

    • Asana for Meditation

    • Body Position

    • Difference between human and animal

    • Swastika asana- perfect meditation pose for all

    • How to practice Vajrasana to meditate

    • Siddhasa- meditation pose for kundalini awakening

    • Padmasana- Lotus for Advance students

    • Matri Asana for Elderly and weak body

    • Diaphragmatic breathing for enhancing meditation

    • Full Body Relaxation

    • Basic Meditation Exercise

    • Diaphragmatic Breathing

    • Meditation Assignment

    • Anapana Meditation Practice

    • Joints & Glands Exercises

    • Wallking Buddha

    • Makarasana/Savasana & bNadisohanam

    • Digestive Breathing Awareness

    • Guided Digestive breathing relaxation Practice

    • Osho dynamic meditation Music one hour

    • Silent Meditation

    • ART OF WITNESS Discourse by Guruji

    • Sleep Awareness & Metta Bhavana

    • Full moon meditation

  • 15

    Yoga Nidra

    • Introduction to Yoga Nidra

    • Sleep conscious, and clearn your unconscious through Yoga Nidra

    • Benifits of practicing Yoga Nidra

    • Preparation to Yoga Nidra

    • Yoganidra can heal your Karma from past life

    • Yoga Nidra-A connection to Divine Energy

    • Know your past life in Yoga Nidra

    • Extra sensory experiences and Meeting Light and sanges in Yoga Nidra

    • Yoga Nidra-Roatation of Consciousness

    • Steps and techniques of Yoga Nidra

    • Inner flame Yoga Nidra Practice

    • Inner Silence Yoga Nidra Practice

    • Golden egg Yoga Nidra Practive

    • Advance Yoga Nidra Practice

    • Assignment

  • 16


    • 01 Ayurveda Meaning

    • 02 Four Vedas

    • 03 Panch Karma - Part 1

    • 04 Panch Karma - Part 2

    • 05 Ayurveda Therapies

    • 06 Mouth Disease Therapies

    • 07 Ayurvedic Treatment

    • 08 Aushadh/Medicine/Herbs

    • 09 Ayurveda guide on Sexual activities

    • Assignment

  • 17

    Traditional Tantra

    • Tantra 1

    • Tantra 2

    • Tantra 3

  • 18

    Dance Exercise

    • Dance Exercise

  • 19


    • 01 Yoga Anatomy and Physiology

    • 02 Yoga Anatomy and Physiology Part 2

    • 03 Anatomical Position

    • 04 Anatomical Position Part 2

    • 05 Types of skeletal system

    • 06 Major Bones

    • 07 Spinal Curves

    • 08 Types of Bones

    • 09 Types of Joints

    • 10 Synovial Joint

    • 11 Ligament

    • 12 Hands and Leg Movement

  • 20

    Advance Pranayama

    • 01 Introduction to Prana and Pranayama

    • 02 Introduction and Basics of Pranayama part 2

    • 03 What is Pranayama

    • 04 What is Pranayama part 2

    • 05 lungs expanding exercise

    • 06 lungs expanding exercise part 2

    • 07 Pranava Pranayama

    • 08 Pranava Pranayama part 2

    • 09 Types of Pranayama

    • 10 Bahya Pranayama

    • 11 Kasthikasana

    • 12 Kasthikasana Part 2

    • 13 Prana Pranayama

    • 14 Prana Pranayama Part 2

    • 15 Prana Pranayama Type 2

    • 16 Prana Pranayama Type 2 part 2

    • 17 How to correct sitting posture

    • 18 How to correct sitting posture Part 2

    • 19 Surya bhedi pranayama

    • 20 Chandra bhedi pranayama

  • 21

    Teaching Methodlogy

    • Traditional Teaching Methodology of Kundalini Yoga

    • How to Sequence a Kundalini Yoga Class

    • How to find a guru for Kundalini Sadhna

    • How is kundalini different from other forms of yoga

    • Is kundalini yoga safe?

    • Why we don't teach yogi bhajan style Kundalini

    • Kundalini Vishuddhi Chakra Kriya Class

    • Kundalini Manipura Chakra Kriya Class

    • Shiva Shakti Pranayama

  • 22


    • Task 1 - Kundalini

    • Task 2 - Hatha

    • Closing Ceremony/Exam

    • Take Our Survey

    • Certificate Name


Master of Yoga

Vishnu Panigraghi

Yogi Vishnu Panigrahi has been steeped in spiritual endeavors since childhood. By the age of 20, Vishnu had become deeply immersed in a path full of devotion toward spiritual knowledge. Vishnu read 18,000 verses of the Srimad Bhagavatam, was trained in Kathak and became a member of Hari Katha Yojana. Vishnu eventually made his way to Rishikesh and visited the caves of the Himalayas. Yogi Vishnu has been traveling and teaching spirituality outside and inside India for many years. He's completely appreciative of his experience in life so far. Now, he is deeply dedicated to guiding students at World Peace Yoga School to experience a unique and spiritually nourishing life journey all their own.

Hatha/Ashtanga/Alignment Instructor

Rajeev Nautiyal

Yogi Rajeev Kumar Nautiyal holds a bachelor in Engineering from Graphic Era University. After months of experience in the area, he felt the need to change his life for a more meaningful one and found himself immersed in yoga as a life-changing philosophy. As well as attaining a 500-hour TTC certificate, he has also graduated in Yogic Science from Uttarakhand University and in Yoga Naturopathy. He currently teaches hatha, vinyasa, Ashtanga and Pranayama.

Anatomy & Philosophy Instructor

Yogi Surender

With a deep quest for spirituality, Yogi Surendra Ji started practicing Meditation from his teenage and continuing the exploration of the inner world with the joy of sharing it with fellow travelers. He holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Education (PGDYed) from Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavala, and a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Yogic Science and Holistic Health. He is a qualified Yoga Teacher under AYUSH, an Indian government agency dedicated to promoting Yoga and other alternative therapies. Currently, he conducts in-depth Yoga and Meditation teacher training in association with Yoga Schools in Rishikesh. Since his association, he has successfully trained hundreds of students from more than 40 countries to become professional Yoga and Meditation teachers.


Hatha/Ashtanga/Alignment Instructor

Ashutosh Mishra

Ashutosh Mishra born and bought up in Rishikesh is strongly rooted in Hatha yoga and Therapeutic yoga. His style is a dynamic combination of intelligent sequencing and alignment for the body and health condition of the person. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in yogic science. He did his master’s in yoga therapy from Uttarakhand Sanskrit University. After finishing his masters in yoga therapy he decided to carry the mantle of promoting yoga and help all the possible people who longing for help through yoga by being a yoga teacher. He started to practice karma yoga in the Ashram, helping local and international students to overcome the cultural barrier and learn the lifestyle of the Ashram. Now he is teaching to both therapeutic and TTC students.

Anatomy & Philosophy Instructor

Yogi Surender

With a deep quest for spirituality, Yogi Surendra Ji started practicing Meditation from his teenage and continuing the exploration of the inner world with the joy of sharing it with fellow travelers. He holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Education (PGDYed) from Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavala, and a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Yogic Science and Holistic Health. He is a qualified Yoga Teacher under AYUSH, an Indian government agency dedicated to promoting Yoga and other alternative therapies. Currently, he conducts in-depth Yoga and Meditation teacher training in association with Yoga Schools in Rishikesh. Since his association, he has successfully trained hundreds of students from more than 40 countries to become professional Yoga and Meditation teachers.

Social proof: reviews

5 star rating

Exceeded All Expectations

Shelly Gray

I was hesitant to take an intensive online course and was pleasantly surprised. All of the teachers did a great job and it was easy to see their passion for ...

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I was hesitant to take an intensive online course and was pleasantly surprised. All of the teachers did a great job and it was easy to see their passion for topic.

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5 star rating


Shanel Lana PIle

Extremely informative!

Extremely informative!

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5 star rating

a deeper journey

Maryam Mohtadi

a deep and joyful journey in yoga

a deep and joyful journey in yoga

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is the online yoga teacher training course as effective as the in-person course?

    This course is designed by some of the best and experienced yoga teachers of various schools in India. The course syllabus, certification, and everything else remains same as the in-person course. So this 200- hour onlne yoga teacher training course is as effective as the in-person course.

  • Can I register in Yoga Alliance after the completion of this course?

    Yes, you can register as a Yoga teacher in Yoga Alliance after successfully completing this course.

  • Do I need to pay any extra fees after purchasing the course?

    No, there is no extra fee involved after the purchase. You need to pay only the fee that is shown on the website.

  • Do I need to buy any books?

    No, All the books and study materials required for the course will be included in the course.

  • Does the course include live classes?

    No, the course does not include live classes. All the lessons will be provided in the provided through pre-recorded videos

  • I am beginner to yoga. Can I join this online yoga teacher training course?

    Yes, this course is specially designed for beginner to intermediate level students. You can easily follow this course if you are new to yoga.

  • Is the certification valid all over world?

    Yes, this course is certified by Yoga Alliance which is valid all over the world.

  • What are the supported payment methods?

    The supported payment methods are PayPal, Credit card and Stripe